Friday, May 21, 2010

What is aikido and aiki-jujutsu?

Is this the same as jujutsu?

Is this a more deadly art? Are there any cautions/ legalities to using it if you have to?|||Jiu-Jitsu and aikido are both derived in part from aikijutsu, which is an older art which is now mostly practiced in Japan.

Aikido and Jiujitsu are both internal martial arts. While Aikido has specialized in the defensive aspects of the arts (which includes throws, joint locks, submissions, etc...), Jiujitsu has kept the strikes (Elbows, kicks, punches, etc...) which were originally included in aikijutsu.

Used by the proper person, every one of those arts can be deadly. Legalities concerning using a martial art are no different than any offensive action you may take against a person. You are only allowed to take offensive action in response to a direct assault. Some techniques of any art may be considered unreasonable force in a %26quot;street fight%26quot; situation. But remember that if you are in a street fight situation, you%26#039;re already breaking the law anyway. I would suggest you read more on this as it is a very complex issue and I am by no means a lawyer.

But the simple rule of thumb is that martial arts are for self-defense only, just like pipe wrenches. If you wouldn%26#039;t feel right using a pipe wrench in a situation, you%26#039;re not in enough danger to justify full use of martial arts either.|||Related, but not the same.

%26quot;Deadliness%26quot; is a moot point. You can kill someone with Aikido, aiki-jujitsu or jujitsu.

Train with a qualified instructor, and they%26#039;ll explain the cautions/legalities.|||related yes, the same no like the person said above you can kill some one with either style

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