Monday, November 16, 2009

Can anyone please tell me more about aikido?

I never did any martial arts before, and somehow i am interested in aikido because it is not too aggressive, but there are a lot of things that i am confused, what do people really do in aikido? kicking? punching?does it require a lot of strength? do people do meditation as part of their study?what do people usually learn once they start it? and how long will it take to apply it and do well in it? (i;ve heard that it takes longer than karate,TKD etc..)

Sorry, it seems i am asking too many questions....and thanks for take your time answering them :)|||Japanese art of self-defense. It employs locks and holds and utilizes the principle of nonresistance to cause an opponent%26#039;s own momentum to work against him or her. Aikido emphasizes the importance of achieving complete mental calm and control of one%26#039;s own body to master an opponent%26#039;s attack. There are no offensive moves. It traces its origins to Japanese martial (samurai) traditions dating to the 14th century, and it was developed as a modern form in the early 20th century by Ueshiba Morihei|||no stength involved at all really, a fair amount of movement though.Its very traditional but also uses a lot of the opponents strength against them. Its a lot of fun, go for it|||It%26#039;s basically a gentler form of jiu jitsu, developed by a master when he got a bit old for all the big movements. It is quite technical and uses joint locks and throws, rather than kicks and punches.

It is pretty good as a self defence art, although limited in having quite a strict and traditional approach in many clubs. Steven Segal moves are largely aikido based.

It would take a long time to get good at it, because the movements are often small and intricate, whereas with striking arts like kickboxing and karate there is less emphasis on technique and more on result (i.e. quickly avoiding an attack/ landing your own attack).

It requires less strength than judo or jiu jitsu - as it was designed as a form of jiu jitsu that could be practised by an eighty odd year old Japanese bloke. Do not underestimate the power which can be generated from circular movements and joint locks, though!

Meditation is not a general requirement, but it does feature in many Japanes martial arts as you progress to the Dan grades (black belt and beyond)

If you want something similar, that is a bit more energetic and slightly less technical, try ninjitsu, jiu-jitsu or freestyle karate.||||||Aikido incorporates a wide range of techniques which use principles of energy and motion to redirect, neutralise and control attackers.

Embukai (demonstration) using two opponentsAlthough the nomenclature varies between styles some techniques common to nearly all aikido styles are listed below (using Aikikai terminology):[1]

Ikky艒- (first technique) a redirection of an attack using the attacker%26#039;s own shoulder, pinning them at the ulnar nerve on the medial arm.

Niky艒- (second technique) pressure applied to a combinations of nerves and wrist bones that immobilizes the opponent.

Sanky艒- (third technique) a twisting technique that utilizes the attacker%26#039;s wrist, elbow, and shoulder simultaneously.

Yonky艒- (fourth technique) a very painful compression of the radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone.

Shih艒nage- (four-direction throw) is a wrist-lock and throw technique.

Koky奴nage- (breathe throw) relies heavily on timing, movement and leading the opponent%26#039;s mind to achieve a throw that can involve no touching at all.

Kotegaeshi- (wrist-return) a wrist-throw that utilizes the stretching of the extensor digitorum.

However Ueshiba once warned against an overemphasis on studying only the physical aspect of techniques. Ueshiba said:[2]

There is no set form in Aikido... It is the study of the spirit. One must not get caught up in set form, because in doing so, one is unable to perform the function sensitively. In Aikido, first we begin with the cleansing of the ki of one%26#039;s soul. Following this, the rebuilding of one%26#039;s spirit is essential. Through the physical body, the performance of kata is that of haku (the lower self). We study kon (the higher self/the spirit). We must advance by harmoniously uniting the higher and lower selves. The higher self must make use of the lower self.


Training is done through mutual technique, where the focus is on entering and harmonising with the attack, rather than on meeting force with force. Uke, the receiver of the technique, usually initiates an attack against nage (also referred to as tori or shite depending on aikido style), who neutralises this attack with an aikido technique.

Uke and nage have equally important roles. The role of uke is to be honest and committed in attack, to use positioning to protect oneself, and to learn proper technique through the imbalanced feeling created by the technique. The role of nage is to blend with and neutralise uke%26#039;s attack without leaving an opening to further attacks. Simultaneously nage will be studying how to create a feeling of being centered (balanced) and in control of the application of the aikido technique. Therefore, students must practise as both uke and nage in order to learn proper technique.

One of the first things taught to new students is how to respond appropriately when a technique is applied, and fall safely to the ground at the correct time. Both tumbling, and later break-falls, are an important part of learning aikido. This assures uke%26#039;s safety during class and permits sincere execution of the technique. The word for this skill is ukemi, which literally means %26quot;receiving%26quot;. Thus uke actively receives the technique, rather than simply being controlled.

Because the techniques of aikido can be very harmful if applied too strongly on an inexperienced opponent, the level of practice possible depends on the ability of uke to receive the technique, as much as it depends on the ability of nage to apply it. When nage gains control and applies a technique, it is prudent for uke to fall in a controlled fashion, both to prevent injury and to allow uke to feel the mechanics that make the technique effective. Similarly, it is the responsibility of nage to prevent injury to uke by employing a speed and force of application that is appropriate for the abilities of uke. Constant communication is essential so that both aikid艒ka may take an active role in ensuring safe and productive practice.

Movement, awareness, precision, distance and timing are all important to the execution of techniques as students progress from rigidly defined exercises to more fluid and adaptable applications. Eventually, students take part in jiyu-waza (free technique) and/or randori, where the attacks are less predictable. Most schools employ training methods wherein uke actively attempts to employ counter-techniques, or kaeshi-waza.

Ueshiba did not allow competition in training because some techniques were considered too dangerous and because he believed that competition did not develop good character in students.[citation needed] Most styles of aikido continue this tradition, although Shodokan Aikido began holding competitions shortly after its formation.[3] In the Ki Society there are forms (taigi) competitions held from time to time.


Aikido techniques are largely designed towards keeping the attacker off balance and leading their mind. Manipulation of uke%26#039;s balance by entering is often referred to as %26quot;taking the centre%26quot;. It is sometimes said that aikido contains only defence, and the attacks that are performed are not really aikido. From a historical perspective this claim is questionable, but many if not most aikid艒ka have the defence techniques as the focus of their training. Much of aikido%26#039;s repertoire of defences can be performed either as throwing techniques (nage-waza) or as pins (katame-waza), depending on the situation.

Each technique can be executed in many different ways. For example, a technique carried out in the irimi style consists of movements inward, toward the uke, while those carried out in the tenkan style use outward sweeping motions, and tenshin styles involve a slight retreat from or orbit around the point of attack. An uchi (%26quot;inside%26quot;) style technique takes place towards the front of uke, whereas a soto (%26quot;outside%26quot;) style technique takes place to his side; an omote version of a technique is applied in front of him, whereas an ura version is applied using a turning motion; and most techniques can be performed when either uke or nage (or both) are kneeling. Thus from less than 20 basic techniques, there are literally thousands of possible actions depending on the attack and the situation. Ueshiba said there are 2,664 techniques.[citation needed]

There is also the matter of atemi, or strikes employed during an aikido technique. The role and importance of atemi is a matter of some minor current debate in aikido, but it is clear that they were practiced by the founder. Some view atemi as strikes to %26quot;vital points%26quot; that can be delivered during the course of a technique%26#039;s application, to increase effectiveness. Others consider atemi to be methods of distraction, particularly when aimed at the face. For instance, if a movement would expose the aikido practitioner to a counter-blow, he or she may deliver a quick strike to distract the attacker or occupy the threatening limb. (Such a strike will also usually break the target%26#039;s concentration, making them easier to throw than if they are able to focus on resisting.) Atemi can be interpreted as not only punches or kicks but also, for instance, striking with a shoulder or a large part of the arm. Some throws are arguably effected through an unbalancing or abrupt application of atemi. Many sayings about atemi are attributed to Morihei Ueshiba, although their precise content can vary considerably depending on who tells them. [4]

The use of atemi is dependent on the organisation and, to some extent, the individual dojo. Some dojo teach the strikes that are integral to all aikido techniques as mere distractions used to make the application of an aikido technique easier, while others teach that strikes are to be used for more destructive reasons. Ueshiba himself wrote, while describing the aikido technique shomen%26#039;uchi ikky艒 (the first immobilization technique), %26quot;...first smash the eyes.%26quot; Thus, one possible opening movement for ikky艒 is a knife-hand thrust towards the face, to make uke block and thus expose his or her arm to the joint control - as though moving to smash uke%26#039;s eyes. Whether the intent is to disable or merely to distract, a sincere atemi should force uke to respond in a manner that makes the application of the technique more effective.

Kiai (audible exhalations of energy) were also used and taught by Ueshiba and are used in most traditional aikido schools.


In the early days when Ueshiba began teaching to the public, students tended to be proficient in another martial art. Due to this, attacks per se are generally not focused on in contemporary aikido dojo. Students will learn the various attacks from which an aikido technique can be practiced. Although attacks seldom are studied to the same extent as some arts, good attacks are needed to study correct and effective application of technique. Honest attacks are considered important. An honest attack would be an attack with full intention or a strong grab or immobilizing hold. The speed of an attack may vary depending on the experience and ranking of nage.

Aikido attacks used in normal training include various stylized strikes and grabs such as sh艒men%26#039;uchi (a vertical strike to the head), yokomen%26#039;uchi (a lateral strike to the side of the head and/or neck), mune-tsuki (a punch to the stomach), ry艒te-dori (a two handed grab) or kata-dori (a shoulder grab). Many of the -uchi strikes resemble blows from a sword or other weapon.


One of the central martial philosophies of aikido is to be able to handle multiple-attacker circumstances fluidly. Rand艒ri, or jiy奴waza (freestyle) practice against multiple opponents, is a key part of the curriculum in most aikido schools and is required for the higher level ranks. Rand艒ri is mostly intended to develop, like an exercise, a person%26#039;s ability to perform without thought, with their mind and body coordinated. The continued practice of having one opponent after another coming at you without rest develops your awareness and the connection between mind and body.

Shodokan Aikido rand艒ri differs in that it is not done with multiple persons, but between two people with both participants able to attack, defend and resist at will. As in judo, the role of uke and nage does not exist.

Another tenet of aikido is that the aikidoka should gain control of their opponent as quickly as possible, while causing the least amount of damage possible to either party.


Weapons training in aikido usually consists of j艒 (approx. 50 inch tall staff), bokken (wooden sword), and wooden tant艒 (knife). Both weapons-taking and weapons-retention are sometimes taught, to integrate the armed and unarmed aspects of aikido.

Many schools use versions of Morihiro Saito%26#039;s weapons system: aiki-j艒 and aiki-ken.


The aikid艒gi used in aikido is similar to the keikogi used in most other modern bud艒 arts; simple trousers and a wraparound jacket, usually white.

To the keikogi, some systems add the traditional garment hakama. The hakama is usually black or dark blue and in most dojo is reserved for practitioners with dan (black belt) ranks.

Although some systems use many belt colours similar to the system in judo, the most common version is that dan ranks wear a black belt, and ky奴 ranks white - sometimes with an additional brown belt for the highest ky奴 ranks.


The Japanese character for ki, (Qi in Chinese) is a symbolic representation of a lid covering a pot full of rice. The steam being contained within, is ki. This same word is applied to the ability to harness one%26#039;s own %26#039;breath power%26#039;, %26#039;power%26#039;, or %26#039;energy%26#039;. Teachers describe ki as coming from the hara, situated in the lower abdomen, about two inches below and behind the navel. In training these teachers emphasize that one should remain %26quot;centered%26quot;. Very high ranking teachers are said to sometimes reach a level of ki that enables them to execute techniques without touching their opponent%26#039;s body.

The spiritual interpretation of ki depends very much on what school of aikido one studies, as some emphasize it more than others. Ki Society dojo, for example, tend to spend much more time on ki-related training activities than do, for example, Yoshinkan dojo. The importance of ki in aikido cannot be denied - the name of the martial art, after all, can be translated as %26quot;the meeting of ki%26quot;. But what ki is, is debated by many within the discipline. Ueshiba himself appears to have changed his views over time -- for example, Yoshinkan Aikido, which largely follows Ueshiba%26#039;s teachings from before the war, is considerably more martial in nature, reflecting a younger, more violent and less spiritual man. Within this school, ki perhaps could be better thought of as having its original Chinese meaning of breath, and aikido as coordination of movement with breath to maximize power. As Ueshiba evolved and his views changed, his teachings took on a much more ethereal feel, and many of his later students (almost all now high ranking sensei within the Aikikai) teach about ki from this perspective.


Aikido training is for all-around physical fitness, flexibility, and relaxation. The human body in general can exert power in two ways: contractive and expansive. Many fitness activities, for example weight-lifting, emphasize the former, which means that specific muscles or muscle groups are isolated and worked to improve tone, mass, and power. The disadvantage of this, however, is that whole body movement and coordination are rarely stressed. Thus, while muscle size and power may increase, there is no emphasis on the ways in which those muscles can work together most efficiently. Also, this sort of training tends to increase tension, decrease flexibility, and stress the joints. The result may be aesthetically pleasing, but when done to excess may actually be detrimental to overall health.

The second type of power, expansive, is mostly stressed in activities such as dance or gymnastics. In these activities, the body must learn to move in a coordinated manner and with relaxation. Aikido also mostly stresses this sort of training. While both types of power are important, it is interesting to note that a person who masters the second type of power can, in a martial context, often overcome a person who is much bigger or stronger. The reason for this is that the contractive power is only as great as the mass and power of your individual muscles. Expansive power, however, as used in aikido, can be much greater than your size may lead you to believe. This is because you move with your whole body. Rather than stressing and tensing only a few muscles, you learn to relax and move from the centre of your body, where you are most powerful. Power is then extended out naturally through the relaxed limbs, which become almost whip-like in their motion. Needless to say, the power behind an entire person%26#039;s body will be more than that of someone%26#039;s arm or leg alone.

Hence, aikido develops the body in a unique manner. Aerobic fitness is obtained through vigorous training. Flexibility of the joints and connective tissues is developed through various stretching exercises and through the techniques themselves. Relaxation is learned automatically, since without it the techniques will not function. A balanced use of contractive and expansive power is mastered, enabling even a small person to pit his entire body%26#039;s energy against their opponent.

With this, different masters stress different aspects of training. Some masters stress importance of body posture while executing the technique in order to coordinate different parts of the body, while others deal with the physical aspects of it. With each way, comes a different means of interpretation of the same basic principles of the art which is discussed in more detail above.


Aikido training does not consider the body and mind as independent entities. The condition of one affects the other. For example, the physical relaxation learned in aikido also becomes a mental relaxation. Likewise, the confidence that develops mentally is manifested in a more confident style. Psychological or spiritual insight learned during training must become reflected in the body, else it will vanish under pressure, when more basic, ingrained patterns and reflexes take over. Aikido training requires the student to squarely face conflict, not to run away from it. Through this experience, an aikido student may learn to face other areas of life in a similarly proactive fashion, rather than with avoidance and fear.


The vast majority of aikido styles use the ky奴/dan ranking system common to gendai bud艒, however the actual requirements for each belt level differs between styles, so they are not necessarily comparable or interchangeable. Some organisations of aikido use coloured belts for ky奴 levels, and some do not.


The major styles of aikido each have their own honbu dojo in Japan, have an international breadth, and were founded by direct students of Morihei Ueshiba. Although there has been an explosion of %26quot;independent styles%26quot; generally only the first six listed are considered major.

Aikikai is the largest aikido organisation, and is led by the family of the founder. Numerous sub-organisations and teachers affiliate themselves with this umbrella organisation, which therefore encompasses a wide variety of aikido styles, training methods and technical differences. These sub-organisations are often centred around prominent shihan and are usually organised at the national level, although sub-national and inter-national sub-organisations exist.

Yoshinkan Founded by Gozo Shioda, has a reputation for being the most rigidly precise. Students of Yoshinkan aikido practise basic movements as solo kata, and this style has been popular among the Japanese police. The international organisation associated with the Yoshinkan style of aikido is known as the Yoshinkai, and has active branches in many parts of the world.

Yoseikan was founded by Minoru Mochizuki, who was an early student of Ueshiba and also of Jigoro Kano at the Kodokan. This style includes elements of aiki-bud艒 together with aspects of karate, judo and other arts. It is now carried on by his son, Hiroo Mochizuki, the creator of Yoseikan Budo.

Shodokan Aikido (often called Tomiki Aikido, after its founder) use sparring and rule based competition in training as opposed to most others. People tend to compete to train rather than to train to compete. Kenji Tomiki, an early student of Ueshiba and also of judo%26#039;s Jigoro Kano, believed that introducing an element of competition would serve to sharpen and focus the practice since it was no longer tested in real combat. This latter view was the cause of a split with Ueshiba%26#039;s family who firmly believed that there was no place for competition in aikido training. Tomiki said that at no point did Ueshiba actually cast him out.

The Ki Society, founded by former chief instructor of the Aikikai Hombu dojo, Koichi Tohei, emphasizes very soft flowing techniques and has a special program for the development of ki. It also has a special system of ki-ranks alongside the traditional ky奴 and dan system. This style is also called Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido (or Ki-Aikido).

Iwama style emphasizes the relation between weapon techniques and barehand techniques riai. Since the death of its founder Morihiro Saito, the Iwama style has been practiced by clubs within the Aikikai and an independent organisation headed by Hitohiro Saito. Morihiro Saito was a long time uchideshi of Ueshiba, beginning in 1946 and staying with him through his death. Many consider that Morihiro Saito was the student who spent most time directly studying with Ueshiba. Morihiro Saito said he was trying to preserve and teach the art exactly as the founder of aikido taught it to him. Technically, Iwama-ry奴 seems to resemble the aikido Ueshiba was teaching in the early 1950s mainly in the Iwama dojo. The technical repertoire is large. The new, separate from Aikikai, Iwama-ry奴 Aikido has been renamed Iwama Shin Shin Aikishurenkai.

Shin%26#039;ei Taido Founded by the late Noriaki Inoue, nephew of Morihei Ueshiba.

Yoshokai Aikido, begun by then-hachidan Takashi Kushida of Yoshinkan aikido.

Tendoryu Aikido Headed by Kenji Shimizu.

Shin Budo Kai headed by Shizuo Imaizumi.

Kokikai Aikido, founded by Shuji Maruyama in 1986.

Seidokan Aikido, founded by Rod Kobayashi.

Nippon Kan Headed by Gaku Homma.

Nishio Aikido a part of the Aikikai although techically well defined according to its head Shoji Nishio.

Takemusu Aiki Tomita Academy. Academy for the development of Takemusu Aiki founded in 1992 by Takeji Tomita.

Aiki Manseido Headed by Kanshu Sunadomari. Independent style centred in Ky奴sh奴, Japan.

Fugakukai International Aikido. Has roots in the Shodokan style, but without the competition element.

The above styles can trace their lineage through senior students back to the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba. Two further well known martial arts use the name aikido but do not have this direct connection. They are Korindo Aikido founded by Minoru Hirai and Nihon Goshin Aikido founded by Shodo Morita. These schools, with some historical justification, suggest that the name aikido is not the exclusive domain of arts derived from the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba.

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