Saturday, November 14, 2009

How is Hapkido different from Aikido & Judo ?

Judo is basically throws. Aikido is spiritual art where you use the aura and the energy around you (including your opponent) to depend and counter-attack. Hapkido is more of joint locking and take downs. Very similar but different disciplines just like if you were to compare Karate and Tae Kwon Do.|||Hapkido has a good number of strikes from TKD,,, mainly the basics, which are the best ones (they are both Korean Arts) , but will go into further detail of joint locks, throws and takedowns... C-Note is a regular here and he has a web page with descriptions of various Martial Arts.. hopefully he will answer this ? for you and give you the link.... As I have almost no knowledge of Aikido or Judo to share with you... But it is pretty easy to do a search on them... good luck|||Search the web.|||From Judo? The variation of the throws, and the sparring is different. Striking is allowed, but some schools don%26#039;t get into groundfighting (Some do of course). They share basic throws and principles though.

The striking is different too.

Aikido? Aikido is more about spirtuality and defending yourself in a way that doesn%26#039;t harm your opponent. There%26#039;s joint locks, but mostly throws. Hapkido is strikes, joint locks, throws, and sometimes groundwork. If you ask a black belt to execute an armbar, they will likely know how to do it well. You may get the same from aikidoka, but isn%26#039;t likely. They%26#039;re both dervied from aikijujutsu, but it%26#039;s as if they went different directions with both of them. Aikido is soft, and hapkido is hard and soft as one like Goju ryu.

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