Monday, November 16, 2009

How much can judo or aikido practioners make?

Speaking as a 10 year Judo veteran...

The biggest factors you have to think about is whether or not you have to pay rent and if you have to buy equipment like mats.

Mats can put you out anywhere from $100-$200 per mat.

Average dues for a Judo club are anywhere between $50-$110 per month.

For new dojos...

Average class size for children is about 13.

Average class size for adults(+13) is about 7.

Generally you%26#039;ll need about 30 students to even your profit/loss.|||doing what?if you mean teaching usually nothing.except for the tkd chain schools and other mcdojos most ma teachers make nothing or very little.i know in all the years i taught it cost me money,but thats not why i taught.i wouldn%26#039;t advice martial arts as a career to anyone.|||Very few respectable Judo or Aikido sensei make their living solely by teaching their martial art. The vast majority have %26quot;day jobs%26quot; that pay their personal bills and living expenses. Unless they%26#039;re operating a McDojo, the bulk of their students%26#039; dues collected go to paying rent, utilities and supplies for the dojo, as well as for sports insurance due to the inherently dangerous nature of the martial arts.

Most Judo and Aikido instructors are not in it for the money...but because they are devoted to the Martial Way.|||Most will have to run a successful martial arts school to make any money.

Some of the Judo guys have done well in professional mixed martial arts. Yoshida has had moderate success. He probably makes a decent living definitely better than an instructor / owner of a martial arts club.|||Steven Segal never had to fight 1 MMA fight

He makes Millions

MMA guys down him


Jean Claude Never had to

Jackie Chan Never had to

need I go on

wanna be a good martial artist

Don%26#039;t Fight Get Smart

Go To School and learn Other Skills As Well


Billy Blanks makes a Fortune now on Tae Bo

a Non Combative

or say my favorite

Mr. Jimi H. Woo

a man I sure can%26#039;t represent

and would never try to

he was prob a worlds best ever

but as a MAN and a Fighter

he loved all life

but Hated Fighting

I might add

My site has alot more videos on it for everyone

Free Fun Take what ya like throw the rest away

I have a Great Video my friends have put together coming up

It will open alot of eyes

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