Thursday, November 12, 2009

Best Striking Art To Mix To My Aikido Background?

What Is the best striking art i can learn to combat well with my aikido?

Would karate, kickboxing or kung fu be best?|||Boxing or Wing Chun

I%26#039;d suggest

btw I%26#039;m a Iron maiden fan and former metal head lol

Best wishes :)***|||I would go with boxing. Muay thai or kickboxing would also be pretty decent. I%26#039;ve worked out quite a bit with karate and kung fu artists and it seems like many of the strike defenses are dependent on an opponent leaving their hand or leg out there - similar to the way aikido teaches you to defend against a punch or kick.

While blocks and wristlocks are extremely effective against a big haymaker or sucker punch, they have very little value against a boxer who will bring his punches back just as fast as he puts them out there. Once you start sparring a lot in a boxing gym, you%26#039;ll see that often times, you%26#039;ll only have time to avoid and/or cover. Boxing will also help with timing, footwork, and the ability to take a shot.

Boxers would also do well to study some akido. The ability to sweep in the clinch can change the whole direction of a fight in a heartbeat.|||It wasnt one of your options, but may I suggest Muay Thai? I am also an Aikido practicioner (2nd dan) and I just started Muay Thai, I already see several practical and devestating opening that Aikido would create for Muay Thai attacks and that Muay Thai would create for Aikido attacks. If you are only considering one of those 3 options, I would suggest Karate, as it utilizes kicks and long range strikes.|||From the little I know about Wing Chun and Aikido, they do sound fitting together if not amazing. Besides, if not Wing Chun, why not possibly a slightly better striking art....Jeet Kune Do?|||Kickboxing or muay thai depending on what you are more comfortable with.|||I%26#039;ve known a couple of Aikidoka who prefer Wing Chun. Apparently the two systems compliment one another well.|||kung fu|||mauy thai and ju jit su maybe but karate will only help you to lose!problem with most fighting styles is the fact that it was meant to be used in a defencive manner and not step in the ring type fighting,these styles are best if your opponent does not know you have counter attack moves waiting for him and he leaves himself open to be flipped or trapped or kicked,the success of these fighting styles are best in a situation like someone trying to grab you or jumps you from behind etc etc..but not in a situation where your opponent know you know something and is not prepare to leave himself wide open!

This is what Bruce lee was referring to when he talked about the classical mess.

when you are standing face to face with a trained opponent you must be prepared to fight on the ground,standing or wherever it may take you,but karate only chance of winning is if you keep the fight standing up, go to the ground its over,ju jit su keep it standing or make it a boxing match the ju jit su fighter will lose,but on the ground he is in his element!mauy thai keep it standing he is dangerous with his kicks but on the ground its over!

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