Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can anyone tell me where to find Aikido video clips on the 'net?

Hi to all fellow Aikidoka. I bought a DVD showing techniques for White, Yellow and Orange Belt from my Sensei but can%26#039;t get it to play on my PC (but that%26#039;s another question!). I%26#039;m particularly trying to get my head around Shiho Nage. Can anyone give me any links to good clips? Thanks!|||Hi there, I found loads! Hope they are useful!|||shiho ho nage ,4 corner throw ,that i believe is the correct translation.try or log onto british aikido board, they should be able to help . good luck.|||Oh ye Utube somebody already said that okay that my suggestion too|||Just set search bar to video or pictures and type in Aikido. There are some good moves on there.|||There are Aikido and Aikijujutsu clips all over , just type in Aikido and enjoy.|||you wont find real fight involving aikido but there are many demos on or


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