Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can the art of Aikido defend against attacks from different style of martial artist such as Muai tai or TKD?

I may be totally wrong but my general view of the art has been that most puches thrown to defend comes in a stabbing motion or an arm left too long for Aikidoist to grab and cause damage! I am just wondering if an Aikido practitioner can defend against attacks from another martial artist such as Muai Tai%26#039;s low sheen kicks, punches and elbows coming from different angles? I appreciate your input.|||Muai Thai would tear up an Aikido practitioner... pretty much any art is effective against TKD, its not a fighting art, its a sport.|||I don%26#039;t practice Aikido but from what I%26#039;ve seen its a definite yes for Tae Kwan Do attacks. Most of those kicks have no control and just let loose. It would be very easy for someone (with practice) to just step back and grab the persons heel then pull it and the guy will fall.

About Muay Thai though, I have much respect for that style. Its just totally monstrous. If I had to counter a low sheen kick, it would probably be by trying to be faster and kick first. I don%26#039;t know what Aikido practitioners would do, but I can%26#039;t believe they%26#039;ve never considered it.|||take a look at this vid of a fight between an Aikido %26quot;master%26quot; and an MMA fighter.

the level of training is pretty sad these days in Aikido. not saying all gyms, but the vast majority.......

he certainly can%26#039;t even defend against a punch. and then look what happens when the guy grabs hi Gi. he should have an awesome counter, but all he does is get beat in the face.

EDIT: oops, i read further on the clip, and turns out this guy wasn%26#039;t real aikido......but, the clip%26#039;s still funny (and sad)|||Yes. Assuming the Aikido practitioner is good. I%26#039;m a TKD practitioner, but I respect other styles %26amp; those who practice them.|||I would have to say yes. Aikido is a very defensive art. A lot of those moves they%26#039;re teaching may seem to only be for those kind of offenses but it is relly teaching you to react and to react quickly. If you see a kick coming at you from an area where you may have been taught to defend a stabbing motion you will react and change form as necessarry. As for your slow-motion stab attacks, those don%26#039;t happen. You are taught that way for what I was previously saying, to get your body to react and to react in a certain way. On to the low shin kicks, doesn%26#039;t aikido teach to meet force with force? I really don%26#039;t know but I think it does, so in those cases someone using a muai tai technique may be caught off guard by an unorthodox move or defense.|||It%26#039;s possible but chance are extremely low. Muay Thai is a very unique art compare to others. So far Muay Thai is only one beside few karates and San Shou that have defend against low kick. Not many arts have any defend against elbows. beside Muay Thai, San Shou (actually San Da) is only one that have very detailled clinch work and fight. Clinch fight may see simple, but it%26#039;s as different as striking and ground fight. Also if you don%26#039;t know exactly how to move when try to counter Muay Thai round house, you%26#039;ll get hurt badly even if you catch their kick.

It%26#039;s basically another world. You can see similar in TKD, Karate, etc... but in Muay Thai, you will see huge different. Muay Thai is more related to boxing, San Shou/San Da, and few other styles than karate, TKD, etc.... Aikido is more developed for defend against style such as TKD and karte.

However I wouldn%26#039;t bet on Aikido in most case against very modern martial arts such as Kyokushin karate and other relate karate or TKD that take their game to next level, and similar martial arts. It%26#039;s simply pretty much outdate when put against modern martial arts.|||I think there are no definite answer for this. I practice aikido and tkd as well. At my current aikido level, I%26#039;m not even sure if I can defend myself from an un-skilled attacker. But, if i use my tkd kick against a very skillfull aikidoka (let say steven seagal), he will surely throw me out of this world.

At the end, it depend on comparative physicall strength, skill and courage. I think a courage, strong and very skilled aikido practioner have good chance to defend against medium skill opponets.|||aikido is a defensive martial focuses mostly on yes...

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