Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can you recommend good Aikido tutorials. Preferably, on-line for free or in a DVD with everything explained?

You can try very good Aikido website|||I wouldn%26#039;t recommend it. You need a qualified instructor and a skilled partner(usually a higher belt student in a dojo) for you to even understand the basic concept of the techniques of Aikido. That%26#039;s something an online video or a DVD cannot impart to you. You can probably imitate the motions and even be able to apply some of the simple locks and throws, but then anyone can learn how to push the gas pedal on a car with a foot or turn a steering wheel, but going out into a race track and trying to negotiate the turns and bends while avoiding other race cars at over 100 mph in an F1 race car without experienced supervised training is another story, same thing with a martial art like Aikido.|||No, you need a live instructor. Having done aikido myself I can say that once you begin to understand it (after several years) videos can be a helpful addition to training but you can%26#039;t learn in on your on without REAL instruction.

This is especially true for internal arts like aikido.|||this is a great system to supplement your training:

it is not a substitute for real training, but nevertheless a great tool|||You really need to have an experienced instructor to learn any martial art. Otherwise you will only be mimicking moves. Videos are good to refresh your memory on things you already have learned. They can%26#039;t correct mistakes. You need an instructor and a training partner.

Since you mentioned Aikido, understand this.... Aikido is a good art, but it is not one that most people learn quickly. To get good at Aikido takes a long time.

martial artists for 40+ years

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