Thursday, November 12, 2009

How effective is Aikido agaisnt skilled opponents using internal styles?

I%26#039;ve always seen Aikido used agaisnt multiple people charging in mindlessly, but how effective would be be agaisnt skilled oppenents who do not charge mindlessly. Even more perplexing to me is what would happen if two aikido masters fought - neither one should extend yang so that it might be countered with ying. It seems to me that they would have to use non-aikido to defeat each other.Thirdly - is aikido less useful than judo - what is the relationship between the two.|||Aikido is used to keep an opponent away and/or off balance. How effective it is against another style is hard to say, depends on the skill of the combatants and who luck chooses to smile upon. Overall, it is one of the most difficult forms for an attacker or opponent.|||1-I doesn%26#039;t matter what mental state your opponent is in if you can out wit your opponent in a fight it doesn%26#039;t matter.

2-Noone would win.

3-Aikido is much more useful|||I own TSRemas - a Close Quarters Combat School in Dallas TX.

The people don%26#039;t charge in mindlessly - but often in these kinds of exhibitions, they don%26#039;t charge in effectively either. Take it for what it is - a demonstration of skill- not a fight.

Technically - 2 Aikido masters would NOT fight. Aikido is an art based on the premise of avoiding combat conflict. Then, if conflict can not be avoided - taking the way of least violence to deter the attacker, restraining him if possible without hurting them.

Aikido and Judo are 2 different forms of Martial Arts. Aikido focuses on the internal control of self. Aikido means (loosely) the %26quot;joining of the inner self as a way of life%26quot; and is a peace focused art that seeks balance. Judo is a sport where points are given for various changes in position, takedowns or submission. Each is good for the purpose it serves. The question becomes ultimately - what is the purpose of the practictioner? If you want a sport based art, then Aikido would be less than satisfying and vice versa.

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