Thursday, November 12, 2009

What do you guys think of Aikido?

I%26#039;ve decided i wanted to learn this art. I know it is a very defensive art to protect yourself and not injure your opponent badly. What is Aikido like compared to other martial arts? Is it a well balanced technique that is as good as others? |||I%26#039;m sick of these dopey comments about how Aikido is ineffective in the streets. One, you don%26#039;t know how the streets are unless you did a full survey and two, Aikido addresses self-defense not human c0ckfighting.

You all know jiujitsu and how effective it can be up why the hell is Aikido any LESS different in terms of joint locking and throwing in the unarmed combat range. It%26#039;s also a close range fighting style as well. Aikido came from Daito-ryu Aikijutsu which is a type of jiujutsu. If you armbarred me on the street, I%26#039;d call you just as crazy and ineffective as Aikido on the street. Why? Because while you%26#039;re busy armbarring me, I can take my knife and plunge it into you a dozen times. At least in Aikido, the defender seeks to preempt that level of closeness by evasive maneuvers, locking and throwing.

Aikido is most effective against lunging, charging type attacks and against grabbing situations. The tai sabaki or body movement is very good in terms of evasion against multiple opponents. High level aikidokas can also strike and/or draw a committed attack out of you just to set you up for something.

Anyone who says it%26#039;s ineffective in the street does not realize it%26#039;s full implications against these sorts of attacks and only believes everything can be handled by hard attacks. Wrong.

Not everything can be dealt with by punching and kicking alone. Weapons attacks for example cannot always be dealt with by punching and kicking alone. What are you going to do? Kick at the guy and get your leg sliced? That is why the turning and lateral footwork by styles like Aikido are important. You cannot think with just a one-track, MMA-centric mind in self-defense. That%26#039;s absurd. Sooner or later, a rock smashing against another rock is going to shatter.

Ivan D: I think you posted to the wrong thread. The thread for the young up-and-coming 10 year olds is somewhere else. I%26#039;m only in my 20%26#039;s, hardly old. Hopefully by the time you get old, you can still lift a leg to fart. Hopefully.|||It is great. It%26#039;s a unique art that is always on the defensive. I intend to study it next year or so. Finding a good teacher is hard, but with the right teacher, it is magnificent. Too bad the training isn%26#039;t too practical, as there is not enough resistance. However this is because with resistance, it will be too dangerous. You will later on naturally get a grasp of it and the techniques once done will be miraculous.

Good luck.

Rooker man: Heard of the quote: Aikido works. Your aikido doesn%26#039;t. Don%26#039;t confuse the difference%26quot;?

I doubt you ever practiced Aikido anyway. Surely there are some impractical techniques in the concept just like most other arts, however it is still a great art. Go search Steven Seagal on Youtube. Why don%26#039;t you prove your argument on why Aikido is useless instead of making baseless conjectures.

Also, anecdotal evidence, I know aikido works as my friend practices it.|||Don%26#039;t ask for opinions of arts on Yahoo! Answers. It always turns into a p*ssing contest between traditional martial artists (who should know better than to be goaded into an argument over something so trivial as style), and MMA guys (who should know better than to pick fights for no reason at all). Here%26#039;s your answer-

Aikido is a passive/defensive art which involves no striking or hard attacks/defenses. It relies on the principles of circular physics in order to use the momentum, weight, and speed of your enemy against them - the goal is to subdue and stop, not to injure or harm. There are no breaks or strikes, as said before. Aikido, like any martial art, is as good as the practitioner using it.

Train hard with your heart and soul, and remain dedicated through struggle, pain, and frustration, and you will be fine in any art that you love to do.|||I guess the most diplomatic thing to say is that I think you%26#039;d have to practice a long time to be able to apply the techniques effectively. Most of the training techniques I%26#039;ve seen leave something to be desired. A guy runs at another guy from ten feet away, grabs his wrist, then holds on for dear life as the other guy maneuvers him for a throw. There%26#039;s at least three things wrong with that situation: 1) most fights start at very close range, nose-to-nose; 2) the most common attack is a hay-maker; 3) most people just let go if you start playing with their wrist. Not saying they all train that way, but I%26#039;ve seen more of that than anything else.

There are a couple of guys I know who can apply it effectively. They are both tough, no-nonsense guys who aren%26#039;t particularly concerned with the spiritual side of the system, or trying not to hurt a guy who%26#039;s trying to hurt them. But because of their occupations, they need a system where they can do something besides punch a guy in order to neutralize him. So instead they drop dudes on concrete.

I think it%26#039;s intriguing, but as a whole I%26#039;m not a big fan of it as an effective system. I mean, not wanting to hurt people is all well and good, but if you have to fight, then actually FIGHT!|||It is not the way most martial arts are designed that is the problem but the way they are taught that is the problem.

AIKIDO has some good elements that can be apllied to any art mainly it%26#039;s tenkan evasion movements which can be succesfully applied against punches and kicks of every type and without having to grab or be grabbed.It your mind set is escape rather than beating someone into the ground AIKIDO is an excellent escape art and in these times when a lot of attackers are likely to pull a knife escape is your best option.

Well balanced?No it would require an increase in striking knowledge and skill to be well balanced .

AIKIDO works KARATE makes AKIDO work better and vice versa.quote from DAN IVAN martial arts pioneer in the west.|||Aikido is only as good as the teaching you receive and how well you develop it. As such it is no better or worse than any other martial art. There are good examples and bad one of every martial art.

The major difference here is that to be good at Aikido usually takes longer (sometimes much longer) and some other arts. If you can find a good Aikido instructor, go for it.

And yes Ivan some old guy just showed up. I%26#039;m not annoyed at your answer. But I am sad that while many of us with more experience than you continue to keep an open mind and learn from other martial arts, you are closed minded and have stopped learning and growing. Several of us here are here to learn and help others. You are here for some other purpose. Seems that you only want to be here to put down everyone else that does not agree with your views.|||I think is is great! I don%26#039;t have much experience with this art. I have been researching it for a while. So far I have only been to one seminar. I plan to learn more in the art.

It is much like jujitsu or any other art that uses joint locks and small joint manipulation. It is know as a defensive art only, but I%26#039;ve learned that when you apply your learned techniques you are presented with a choice. The choices are do I hurt, harm or just control. It takes a very strong individual to decide just to control. Many of the techniques can separate joints and ligaments and even break, but you are taught to resist injuring a person if possible. I have found that they use many of the same techniques that we use in jujitsu, but may call it by a different name. Those people that say it is ineffective do this through ignorance. Ignorance - lack of knowledge. Often they don%26#039;t understand it or they repeat what they have heard from others. Like all martial arts it has its strength and weaknesses. But I believe you will enjoy it. Personally I am looking forward to attending some more seminars and taking some lesson. You can never have too much knowledge.

As far as the fighting distance that one guy has it wrong. You are taught to fight from a variety of fighting ranges, but in order to do a technique the fight has to come into close quarter contact. In other words when the attacker punches or kick then you give the Aikidoka something to work with. You then blend with the attack and use it against them.


Contrary to what someone has said, there are strike in Aikido. It is normally done to redirect a person momentum in order to apply a technique. In other words they use it to set something up.|||like all arts it has it%26#039;s pros and cons, it is no better or worst then any other style.

the only down side to it is it takes longer to be able to use effectually.

it is a large circle style needing room to execute techniques.

there is few strikes in, and incorporates blending with your opponents movements.

depending on what your purpose is and your philosophy, it is a good style.

Ivan D solo purpose on here is to annoy some of the seniors. in some childish game he wants to play. this is one of the reason we have the saying children should be see an not heard.|||I like it a lot.

Other guys have expanded on this better than I can already...

I will say, it give you the OPPORTUNITY to not injure your opponent too bad. One of the guys I train with had to use a simply ikkyo in the street and ended up knocking out 8 of the guys teeth and splitting his lower jaw in half. Fun stuff!|||it%26#039;s a great defensive martial art

compared to most of the striking arts it%26#039;s very techical and thus takes a lot more time to master. but it%26#039;s all and all great fun and teaches you like no other the fact of non resistance and not fighting.|||I do MMA,I think its like the only Flashy and street effective art there is. I respect it,although what they wear is not necessary,its still good street defense.|||I think Aikido is amazing.

It can change your life.

It changed mine.

What better purpose can a martial art serve?|||ITS AWESOME!|||Aikido is a useless art--as with many of the styles in martial arts. It real never work in the streets against faster and bigger opponents because of the way it%26#039;s techinques are design--as with most martial arts.|||It sucks... And plain useless...

I am going to predict that an old guy would appear on this thread and again show me how annoyed he really is... LOL...

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