Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is the difference between Karate, Aikido and Kempo?

Shihan J is right about Aikido, it is an art based off of Jujutsu and Aikijutsu. their are two types of kenpo arts that are prominent in the USA Kenpo Karate created by Ed Parker and is now lead be grand master Chuck Sulivan. Their is also Kempo Karate the chinese version. Kempo Karate was made famous but Grand Master Fred Villari. Both arts involve multiple rolling hand strikes and trapping. As for Karate itself its very broad their are many different systems but all usually involve a good mix of foot and hand techniques. most karate systems are taught in a very hard and crisp fashion at first, but then turn into more soft and fluid techniques after years of training.|||karate and kempo in a way are similar. they both have various strikes, locks, throws, trapping, etc.

aikido is large circle jujitsu. mostly uses your opponents momentum against themselves, its not as easy as karate or kempo but can be very effective once you have them down.

all of them are excellent systems. what is more important is that you have a good instructor

jumpinja they are not the same aikido has no strikes in it. the other 2 do. and aikido is japanese it came from jujutsu, kempo and karate both are okinawan and were developed from chinese arts

edit:%26gt; there are more then 2 types of kempo, kempo is a general term, that relates to chinese, and okinawan arts. it is also used in place of karate by some okinawan styles

ed parker didnt create kempo he founded usa kempo from okinawan kempo,

as for the so called fred villari, the only thing he created was a franchise of mcdojo%26#039;s.|||Karate - a style rooted in okinawa with influences from traditional okinawan arts as well as chinese arts.

aikido - the descendant of daito-ryu aikijutsu. both are the descendant of chinese chin na. it utilizes joint locks that come into play when the opponent attacks using his energy and momentum against him.

kempo - means fist law. originated in the shaolin temple originally with forms,philosophy,and real methods. then ed parker used the alphabet so that out of shape ppl could do it.|||karate - is a japanese martial art employing kicks and punches.

aikido - is a japanese martial art employing locks and using the opponents momentum against him.

dont know much about kempo. but I read somewhere that it was developed by Ed Parker.|||The most simple way to explain- Karate is based on punches and kicks.

In Aikido you use your opponent%26#039;s power against him. It%26#039;s self defense. We use there three weapons- boken (it%26#039;s a wooden sword), jo and tanto(something like dagger, we use wooden on my trainings). There are used throws and joint locks.

Kenpo is.. hmm.. i dont know how to explain, it is composition of some other martian arts... gymnastics, throws, ground fighting.|||karate is an Okinawan martial art,kempo is a form of freestyle karate.aikido is a form of large circle jujitsuu that mainly uses a persons momentum and it does have strikes although you don%26#039;tt learn them until you are a high rank.|||Step 1 - Read the history of each art on Wikipedia.

Step 2 - search each one on Youtube to see the differences for yourself!|||karate is for girls named danny laruso.... aikido- aikido.|||they are actually all the exact same thing. anyone who tells you otherwise is just trying to rip you off saying his style is %26quot;unique%26quot; or %26quot;special%26quot; or %26quot;different%26quot;.. but anyone who has years of training in martial arts can tell you that those three martial arts are all the same, they all originated in the hills of ancient india around 4000 BC and transmigrated to the chinese plains where they have been around ever since.. interesting isnt it. ?

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