Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is the most effective aikido style for self defence?

but i mean pure aikido style, not a combination with other martial arts like Yoseikan style. and what about aikikai and Iwama styles, are they too spirtial to practice for self defence.|||This is almost the same question as %26quot;what is the most effective martial art%26quot;. The fact is any cook can ruin a good recipe. So, it is really about the particular dojo, sensei, students.

However to do your question more justice there is a difference of emphasis with particular styles. As a result you%26#039;ll find more like minded people congregate in particular styles. As stated above, Ki society and more spiritual approaches, tend not to have rambo keiko (rough training), and this is important for early kihon development of a more martial approach. You%26#039;ll find more rambo keiko in Tomiki and Yoshinkan. Very important also is tanren keiko (forging training), and Iwama ryu has got this in spades. Aikikai is a good balance point in terms of form and flow, and there you can better %26quot;see%26quot; where your %26quot;strengths %26amp; weaknesses%26quot; are from a balanced perspective. In the good ole USA you%26#039;ll find three good comparisons. The USAF has good consistent waza with integrity. The ASU styles are also consistent, but with more flow. The CAA has a range of styles that one will be exposed to, and that more strongly fosters creativity.|||Murakumo Dojo gave you the perfect answer.

Remember that even the best of the Arts can be ruined if taught by an incompetent. There is a phrase that I like to mention for this kind of is not the Art, but the Artist!|||Yoshinkan Aikido is your best bet. It focuses on centerline and core power development. It is sometime know as the %26quot;hard style%26quot; of aikido but this is only because the development of the center power make it more difficult to learn but more effective. Yoshinkan does not focus as much on the spiritual side of things.

If you can try to find a Yoshinkan teacher who has studied under Ando Tsuneo Sensei and if you can%26#039;t find one of his students look for a student of Chida Sensei or Robert Mustard Sensei.|||i have heard ki akido is rather bad and i would stay away from that and similar spiritual styles as they are just a load of huff you could try looking at the classes and seeing if it is of the spiritual school or the martial school it should be fair obvious with careful observation

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