Thursday, November 12, 2009

Does anyone have real video of Aikido being tested?

I am looking for any real video of Aikido in action. I have seen all of the setup videos I want to really see it in action against for example a Muay Thai Fighter.

I doubt any Aikido guys will accept such a test, because of the serious beat down they would receive.|||Hey man. Good question. I don%26#039;t think there is any real video to show aikidokas defending themselves in real situations. Why? (This might offend Aikidokas but I%26#039;m sure they know this) Because Aikido is not really a practical self-defense when you are out the streets. Well, there are some techniques that are effective but there are only a few. I say this because I%26#039;m an Aikido practitioner for uhm..... 7yrs..... I like the art but only for exercise and for making my motion fluid. But in a real fight... NAH! If you want to really be able to defend yourself, practice boxing, kicking, grappling, weapons, etc. In short, be a well rounded fighter. That%26#039;s the only way to be able to defend yourself. So again, answering your question, I don%26#039;t think there is a video. And if someone thinks otherwise, tell him to call me and let%26#039;s see how he can defend himself using only Aikido. We%26#039;ll sign a waiver.

Ciao.|||I am not an aikido practitioner but I would like to add my two cents (or yen) to this...

There would be very few people who could use aikido effectively. It was the result of a master martial artist at his peak and his ideal martial art. The average practitioner just wouldnt grasp or be able to use the real applications. I see a lot of the great applications in the art but even with over 20 years of martial art training I would be hard pressed to do any of those moves in the midst of an encounter...

So, while I would also love to see a video of it happen, I wouldnt hold my breath.|||%26quot;(This might offend Aikidokas but I%26#039;m sure they know this) Because Aikido is not really a practical self-defense when you are out the streets%26quot;

KIX , I agree with your statement in that most (upwards of 85%) aikido schools do not train in a manner that give the impression that aikido is an effective martial art. O-Sensei once quoted that %26quot;life and death can be defined in a single technique%26quot;. You may have heard this before as it is quite popular. Unless you train in that mind set neither will ever be realized. You may do beautiful, flowing technique but you will fail when confronted by a serious attack. Once you begin to add that life or death commitment to your attacks as an uke you will notice that even Nages of a high level will be caught off guard but once the shock of the attack has been realized the training will step up and you will begin to realize what O-Sensei meant by that statement. Aikido practice can be exhausting but it is even more so when the bar is raised by the intensity of the ukes attack. Strong Ukes make stonger nages.|||If i didnt post something i think this question will remain unanswered for a VERY long time|||Watered Down Ju Jitsu.

But hand a good AiKiDo practitioner a sword.

It lacks any concept of Randori Combat, focusing more on the avoidance. The style seems to have done the exact opposite that Kano%26#039;s Judo has done.

and then you have|||actually, a few months ago on bullshido someone posted a video of an alleged akidoka vs. a kickboxer.

however what the aikido guy did didn%26#039;t look much like aikido and didn%26#039;t look at all like what those compliant uke videos show.

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