Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is aikido the best martial art for women?

Aikido uses the other persons momemtum and energy against them and doesn%26#039;t require a lot of physical strength like some other arts. It also doesn%26#039;t advocate %26quot;standing toe to toe%26quot; duking it out. So aikido seems the best to me,but would like other opinions. FV - author See Sally Kick ***: A Woman%26#039;s Guide to Personal Safety.|||Aikido, Karate, Judo - All Martial Arts have something good to contribute to a great fighting style, however, most (if not all) Martial Arts by themselves guarantee you will get annihilated in a street fight.

As for Karate, sorry but if you don%26#039;t have much strength, you won%26#039;t hurt your opponent much.|||I dunno, but it%26#039;s the best martial art for STEVEN SEAGAL!|||I love aikido! I take it and definatly recommend it, espicially for women, its a good art for them because of thier lower center of gravity!|||yes, aikido is very good!!

(see my email) :-)|||Definitely stick to Aikido. I study it and I%26#039;m a guy.|||for personal defense, seriously. law enforcement recommends that u run like he11. martial arts is considered the last option

godspedX-)|||I love aikido. It%26#039;s very empowering to be able to flip a 6%26#039;4%26quot;, 300-lb. guy over your head. It%26#039;s also a lot of fun.

I recommend Seidokan Aikido - it%26#039;s slightly more gentle, and the focus is solely on self-defense.

My sensei was this old, pacifist grandfather figure. I loved him. His wife ran a natural healing clinic next door, so in the rare event that someone was inured, we%26#039;d just be sent next door to get fixed up.

EDIT: I%26#039;m not sure why the person below me feels the need to deliver insults. The person in question IS 6%26#039;4%26quot;, and DOES weigh 300 lbs. I know this because he%26#039;s a good friend of mine (he actually got me interested in taking Aikido). He%26#039;s built like a former football player, with all that implies. Wide shoulders, heavy musculature, %26quot;beer gut.%26quot; So what? In Aikido, you%26#039;re not using your personal strength to flip someone. You%26#039;re using their own momentum.|||Aikido is not the best martial art for women. The body types, psychological archetypes, skills, and abilities of women vary greatly. Some can excel in some arts, and others is other arts. For men or women their is no superior martial art only superior martial artists. Also, Aikido is not a martial art is a martial Way and more. It seems from your question though that the martial prowess and self-defense aspects are important. Really, beyond the classical martial arts is usually a better place to begin building the pyramid of self-protection, and then later learn the more difficult to apply classical martial arts. Learn how to handle firearms, and learn how to escape situations. Once that is done, then learn the more classical martial arts in order of time to %26quot;effectiveness%26quot; as is fit for you specifically. Utimately if a human can learn how to utilize an internal martial art/way such as Aikido then they will have abilities and powers well beyond the limits of external physicality, but note that this requires great time/energy/faith.|||I don%26#039;t know about aikido, but I take shotokan karate, and my class is largely female. It doesn%26#039;t require a good deal of strength. It%26#039;s a lot of fun.

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